All photographs by Prayta
We hosted our first CITYPRINTSNYC Art Benefit Fundraiser to bring more art events to our community and support our CPNYC artists. We partnered with SriPraPhai restaurant and were joined by 100 of our biggest supporters and friends on June 7th. We started the night inside their beautiful garden where CPNYC artists displayed their prints and artworks. People got to see amazing new artwork and meet the talented artists who created them!

After a ribbon cutting to celebrate the artists, supporters, and organizations* that are helping write “Our Story,” we went inside and enjoyed a delicious buffet meal provided by SriPraPhai accompanied by the jazzy sounds of Nong & friends.

At the end of the night, CPNYC founder Erick Teran awarded artist Talisa Almonte a $100 gift certificate from Blick Art Materials for being the best-selling artist on www.cityprintsnyc.com! We also announced our partnership with Art Retail Therapy for Fall '23, to offer free art classes for youth ages 6-10 and 11-18. And finally, our Q77 Art Show will now provide free easels and continue to give artists a space to showcase their art for free in Queens! Our first Q77 Art Show of the ‘23 season is this Saturday, July 8th!
Before leaving, guests received a gift bag with a special set of postcards from CPNYC and takeaways provided by APICHA. It was a wonderful night and it wouldn’t have been possible without YOU!
Thank you for being part of our CPNYC family, and helping write “Our Story.”
*We’d like to also recognize and thank our sponsors and donors: APICHA, Prep for Prep, KLS Law, SriPraPhai, JH Art Talks, Las Doñas, Blick Art Materials, Thai Community USA, TD Bank, F&G 100 Complete Automotive Repairs, and every individual private donor.
CPNYC Artists in attendance included: Alejandro Pinzon, Erick Teran, Kate Durkin, Linda Ganjian, Ryan Rivera, Talisa Almonte